Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Week Of No School

Yes, it's true, I have had no school this week and quite frankly....I have been pretty lazy. I think the reason might be that I miss the big iMacs that we just got in our class, that thing is a beast. I have also been watching the 1st season of DragonBall Z too, which has been occupying my time alot. I did happen to make a new header for my blog as you can see, I hope everyone likes it, and I uploaded a ton of my art and photography onto my can check that out here!

Well...I guess that's all for the update for now!
Keep checking back on me!


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Snazzy Project from Graphic Arts

Here is a project that I had to do in my Graphic Arts class, I had to make a self promoting web banner and this is what I came up with. I's pretty snazzy.


Thursday, October 8, 2009

My Online Portfolio

I am currently in the process of making my portfolio into a snazzy hardback book, but I thought that you don't have to wait for me to finish to see my I uploaded my portfolio onto my DeviantArt account so everyone can see it and tell me what they think about it. So, everyone should most definitely check it out.

Here it the link for my DeviantArt online portfolio. Click Here!

Monday, October 5, 2009


Sorry I haven't been blogging lately, I have been kinda busy. I've been working on a brochure for a Rodeo in White Pine, I have been trying to get together my portfolio so I can have it printed into a book and so it can be awesome, I have been spending time with my Macey, and taking pictures with my amazing Canon Rebel XS camera.

Hopefully I will be able to upload some of my photos and illustrations on here so you can see them.

I moved my room around today....the dust is horrible, it makes me sneeze so much and it makes me feel like I am sick or something. But anyways, I will try to post a new blog at least every two days....or at least I'll try.

Peace out suckahs...buugaaahh!